Friday, September 9, 2011

Fiercely royal covers

I've never been an avid fan of Lord of the Rings.  Sure, I've seen the movies and thought Legolas (i.e. Orlando Bloom with long blond hair) was kinda hot.  But that was how far as it went.  It never even crossed my mind to attempt to read the books.

So why am I now into the Song of Ice and Fire series: a collection that is reminiscent of the grandeur of the LOTR; authored by a certain George R. R. Martin -- believed to be following the footsteps of the legendary J.R.R. Tolkien?

It's a like affair (love is too strong a word) sparked by our dear aunt who got us hooked on HBO's gripping series based on the novels.  The spectacular cliffhanger of a first season had just ended, and is set to be back in 2012.

My husband and I just couldn't wait to find out what happens.  So we thought of buying the first four books in paperback (If it lives up to the hype, we'll probably buy the whole collection in hardback).  The deciding factor for me? The covers - especially when grouped together - looked pretty damn cool.

Photos taken from Google images


  1. I enjoyed watching the first season of A Game of Thrones (they killed Ned Stark!) and I'm halfway finished reading the book. ;) I hope I can read A Clash of Kings before Season 2 starts. I'm rooting for Jon Snow and Arya Stark.

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