Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Great minds think paper!

I've had all things paper on my mind lately, and what an amazing coincidence that my absolute favorite event designer, David Stark, yesterday blogged about his graphic designer friend, Cheree Berry, who has her own custom paper line, Cherry Berry Paper.  (That's right, I am bravely suggesting that I share the same thought wavelength as THE David Stark!)

Seriously though, I always get excited about deliciously decadent stationery and the artists who created them.  So I'm spreading the joy to all! 

All images featured below are from David Stark Sketchbook.  See more photos and read David Stark's interview with Cheree Berry here.

This makes me want to create something... Hmm... Wheels are turning.  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I love that storybook-inspired invitation! :)
